
We see it as our finest job to care for our guests
Caring for our guests has been the key purpose of the hotels since Hans and Søster Brøchner-Mortensen founded them in the 1980s. Hans and Søster have since retired, but their daughter Kirsten Brøchner (CEO) is now running the hotels with the help of Pia Schmølker (CCO). The purpose is still to care for guests, but other core values have since been added. We like to call our three strongest values ‘OMO’. It stands for Omsorg, Mod and Ordentlighed, which is Danish for Caring, Courage and Decency. These three values are the foundation on which we strive to run the hotels.

Our guests need to feel seen and valued during their stay at Hotel Kong Arthur and Ibsens Hotel. Because of this, our staff members are present and dares to show each guest that they are special. This makes our guests feel welcome and translates directly to our employees’ joy in their work. But our caring extends beyond the hotels’ outer walls. We take responsibility for the world we live in and cooperate with local businesses whenever possible. We are proud of our neighborhood and value the work our neighbors do. We also want to take good care of the planet, as it is important to us to pass on a healthy planet to future generations.

We love to run hotels, and fortunately we do it quite well. But we also know when to outsource tasks. This provides us with the resources to focus on improving our hotels. We want to offer our guests two hotels with an edge, and this means that we have to stay unique. Sometimes that means taking courageous decisions. Like the time when we decided to arrange a festival concert in our courtyard. The risk of bothering our guests made the decision tough. Fortunately, our guests loved the event and it made the distance between the guests smaller.

We want to stay true to our values, which means we treat our guests, our employees, and our planet with integrity. We are honest and accountable to our guests and business partners, and we take our employees seriously and treat them well. We ask questions and want to get to know our guests, because listening to their needs can make their stay better. On top of that, we are big advocates for running a sustainable business and strive to make each stay at Hotel Kong Arthur and Ibsens Hotel a great and green experience.